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Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie. Part III.

Thomas Lodge

Part I. | Part II. | Part III.

Note: this Renascence Editions text was transcribed by Risa Bear, January 2001, from The Complete Works of Thomas Lodge (1883), published by the Hunterian Club. Their source text was the only known copy of the first edition of 1590, which had been damaged, and the text of signature "R" was supplied from the third edition within square brackets, which practice has been preserved here. Any errors that have crept into the transcription are the fault of the present publisher. The text is in the public domain. Content unique to this presentation is copyright © 2001 The University of Oregon. For nonprofit and educational uses only.

And ALIENA (as a woman passing discontent) seuering her selfe from her GANIMEDE, sitting vnder a Lymon tree, began to sigh out the passions of her newe Loue, and to meditate with her selfe on this manner.

Alienaes meditation.

Y me, now I see, and sorrowing sigh to see that DIANAES Lawrells are harbours for VENUS Doues, that there trace as well through the Lawnes, wantons as chast ones; that CALISTO be she neuer so charie will cast one amorous eye at courting IOUE: that DIANA her self will change her shape, but shee will honour Loue in a shadow: that maidens eyes be they as hard as Diamonds, yet CUPIDE hath drugs to make them more pliable than waxe. See ALINDA, how Fortune and Loue haue interleagued themselues to be thy foes: and to make thee their subiect or else an abiect, haue inueigled thy sight with a most beautiful obiect. Alate thou didst hold VENUS for a giglot, not a goddesse, and now thou shalt be forst to sue suppliant to her Deitie. CUPIDE was a boy and blinde, but alas his eye had aime inough to pierce thee to the heart. While I liued in the Court, I helde Loue in contempt, and in in high seates I had small desires. I knewe not affection while I liued in dignitie, nor could VENUS counterchecke me, as long as my fortune was maiestie, and my thoughts honour: and shall I nowe bee high in desires, when I am made lowe by Destenie?
    I haue hearde them saye, that Loue lookes not at low cottages, that VENUS iettes in Roabes not in ragges, that CUPIDE flyes so high, that hee scornes to touche pouertie with his heele. Tush ALINDA, these are but olde wiues tales, and neither authenticall precepts, nor infallible principles: for Experience tells thee, that Peasaunts haue theyr passions, as well as Princes, that Swaynes as they haue their labours, so they haue theyr amours, and Loue lurkes assoone about a Sheepcoate, as a Pallaice.
    Ah ALINDA, this day in auoiding a preiudice thou art fallen into a deeper mischiefe; being rescued from the robbers, thou art become captiue to SALADYNE: and what then? Women must loue, or they must cease to liue: and therefore did Nature frame then faire, that they might be subiects to fancie. But perhaps SALADYNES eye is leuelde vpon a more seemelier Saint. If it be so, beare thy passions with patience, say Loue hath wrongd thee, that hath not wroong him; and if he be proud in contempt, bee thou rich in content; and rather die than discouer anie desire: for there is nothing more precious in a woman, than to conceale Loue, and to die modest. He is the sonne and heire of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux, a youth comely enough: oh ALINDA too comely, els hadst not thou been thus discontent: valiant, and that fettered thine eye: wise, els hadst thou not been nowe wonne: but for all these vertues, banished by thy father; and therefore if hee know thy parentage, he will hate the fruite for the tree, and condempne the yong sien for the olde stocke. Well, howsoeuer, I must loue: and whomsoeuer, I will: and whatsoeuer betide, ALIENA will thinke well of SALADYNE: suppose he of me as he please. And with that fetching a deepe sigh, she rise vp and went to GANIMEDE: who all this while sate in a great dumpe, fearing the imminent danger of her friend ROSADER; but now ALIENA began to comfort her, her selfe beeing ouer growen with sorrowes, and to recall her from her melancholie with manie pleasaunt perswasions. GANIMEDE tooke all in the best part, and so they went home together after they had folded their flockes, supping with olde CORIDON, who had provided their cates. He after supper, to passe away the night while bedde time, began a long discourse, how MONTANUS the yong Shepheard that was in loue with PHŒBE, could by no meanes obtaine anie fauour at her hands: but still pained in restlesse passions, remained a hopelesse and perplexed Louer. I would I might (quoth ALIENA) once see that PHŒBE, is shee so faire, that she thinks no shepheard worthie of her beautie: or so froward that no loue nor loyaltie will content hir: or so coye, that she requires a long time to be wooed: or so foolish that she forgets, that like a fop she must haue a large haruest for a little corne?
    I cannot distinguish (quoth CORIDON) of these nice qualities: but one of these dayes Ile bring MONTANUS and her downe, that you may both see their persons, and note theyr passions: and then where the blame is, there let it rest. But this I am sure quoth CORIDON, if all maidens were of her minde, the worlde would growe to a madde passe; for there would be great store of wooing and little wedding, manie words and little worship, much folie and no faith. At this sad sentence of CORIDON so solempnlie brought foorth, ALIENA smiled: and because it waxt late, she and her page went to bed, both of them hauing fleas in their eares to keep them awake, GANIMEDE for the hurt of her ROSADER, and ALIENA for the affection she bore to SALADYNE. In this discontented humor they past away the time til falling on sleep, their senses at rest, Loue left them to thir quiet slumbers: which were not long. For assoone as PHŒBUS rose from his AURORA, and began to mount him in the Skie, summoning the Plough-swaines to their handie labour, ALIENA arose; and going to the couche where GANIMEDE laye, awakened her page, and said the morning was farre spent, the deaw smal, and time called them awaye to their foldes. Ah, ah, (quoth GANIMEDE) is the winde in that doore? then in faith I perceiue that there is no Diamond so harde but will yeelde to the file, no Cedar so strong but the winde will shake, nor anie minde so chaste but Loue will change. Well ALIENA, must SALADYNE be the man, and will it be a match? Trust me he is faire and valiant, the sonne of a worthie Knight; whome if hee imitate in perfection as hee represents him in proportion, he is worthie of no lesse than ALIENA. But he is an exile: what then? I hope my Mistres respects the vertues not the wealth, and measure the qualities not the substance. Those dames that are like DANAE, that like loue in no shape but in a shower of golde; I wish them husbandes with much wealth and little wit; that the want of the one may blemish the abundance of the other. It should (my ALIENA) staine the honour of a Shepheardes life to set the end of passions vpon pelfe. Loues eyes looks not so low as gold, there is no fees to be paid in CUPIDS Courtes: and in elder time (as CORIDON hath tolde me) the Shepheards Loue-gifts were apples and chestnuts, & then their desires were loyall and their thoughts constant. But now

Quærenda pecunia primum, post nummos virtus.

And the time is growen to that which HORACE in his Satyres wrote on:
                        omnis enim res
Virtus-fama decus diuina hunamáque pulchris
Diuitijs parent: quas qui-constrinxerit ille
Clarus erit, fortis, iustus, sapiens, etiam & rex
Et quic quid volet—

    But ALIENA let it not be so with thee in thy fancies, but respect his faith, and there an ende. ALIENA hearing GANIMEDE thus forward to further SALADYNE in his affections, thought she kist the child for the nurses sake, and wooed for him that she might please ROSADER, made this replie; Why GANIMEDE, whereof growes this perswasion? Hast thou seene Loue in my lookes? Or are mine eyes growen so amorous, that they discouer some new entertained fancies? If thou measurest my thoughtes by my countenance, thou maist proue as ill a Phisiognomer as the Lapidarie, that aymes at the secete vertues of the Topace, by the exterior shadow of the stone. The operation of the Agate is not knowen by the strakes, nor the Diamond prized by his brightnesse, but by his hardnesse. The Carbuncle that shineth most, is not euer the most precious: and the Apothecaries choose not flowers for their coulours, but for their vertues. Womens faces are not alwaies Kalenders of fancie, nor doo their thoughtes and their lookes euer agree: for when their eyes are fullest of fauors, then they are oft most emptie of desire: and when they seem to frown at disdaine, then are they most forwarde to affection. If I bee melancholie, then GANIMEDE tis not a consequence that I am entangled with the perfection of SALADYNE. But seeing fire cannot be hid in the straw, nor Loue kept so couert but it will bee spied, what should friends conceale fancies? Know my GANIMEDE, the beautie and valour, the wit and prowesse of SALADYNE hath fettered ALIENA so far, as there is no obiect pleasing to her eyes, but the sight of SALADYNE: and if loue haue done me iustice, to wrap his thoughts in the foldes of my fare, and that he be as deeply enamoured as I am passionate; I tell thee GANIMEDE, there shall not be much wooing, for she is already wonne, and what needes a longer batterie. I am glad quoth GANIMEDE that it shall be thus proportioned, you to match with SALADYNE, and I with ROSADER: thus haue the Destenies fauoured vs with some pleasing aspect, that haue made vs as priuate in our loues, as familiar in our fortunes.
    With this GANIMEDE start vp, made her readie, & went into the fields with ALIENA: where vnfolding their flockes, they sate them downe vnder an Oliue tree, both of them amorous, yet diuerslie affected: ALIENA ioying in the excellence of SALADYNE, and GANIMEDE sorrowing for the wounds of her ROSADER, not quiet in thought till she might heare of his health. As thus both of them sate in theyr dumpes, they might espie where CORIDON came running towards them (almost out of breath with his hast). What newes with you (quoth ALIENA) that you come in such post? Oh Mistres (quoth CORIDON ) you haue a long time desired to see PHŒBE the faire Shepheardesse whom MONTANUS loues: so nowe if it please you and GANIMEDE but to walke with me to yonder thicket, there shall you see MONTANUS and her sitting by a Fountaine; he courting with his Countrey ditties, and she as coye as if she helde Loue in disdaine.
    The newes were so welcome to the two Louers, that vp they rose, and went with CORIDON. Assoone as they drew nigh the thicket, they might espie where PHŒBE sate, (the fairest Shepheardesse in all Arden, and he the frolickst Swaine in the whole Forrest) she in a peticoate of scarlet, couered with a greene mantle; and to shrowde her from the Sunne, a chaplet of roses: from vnder which appeared a face full of Natures excellence, and two such eyes as might haue animated a greater man than MONTANUS. At gaze vpon this gorgeous Nymph sat the Shepheard, feeding his eyes with her fauours, wooing with such piteous lookes, & courting with such deep straind sighs, as would haue made DIANA her selfe to haue been passionate. At last, fixing his lookes on the riches of her face, his head on his hande, and his elbow on his knee, he sung this mournefull Dittie.
Montanus Sonnet.

A Turtle sate vpon a leauelesse tree,
    Mourning her absent pheare
    With sad and sorrie cheare:
    About her wondring stood
    The citizens of Wood,
    And whilest her plumes she rents
    And for her loue laments,
    The stately trees complaine them,
    The birdes with sorrow paine them:
    Each one that doth her view
    Her paine and sorrowes rue.
    But were the sorrowes knowen
    That me hath ouerthrowen,
Oh how would
Phœbe sigh, if she did looke on me?

The loue sicke Polypheme that could not see,
    Who on the barraine shore
    His fortunes doth deplore,
    And melteth all in mone
    For Galatea gone:
    And with his piteous cries
    Afflicts both earth and Skies:
    And to his woe betooke
    Doth breake both pipe and hooke;
    For whome complaines the Morne,
    For whom the Sea Nymphs mourne.
    Alas his paine is nought:
    For were my woe but thought,
Oh how would
Phœbe sigh, if she did looke on mee?

    Beyond compare my paine
        yet glad am I,
    If gentle
    Phœbe daine
        to see her
    Montan die.

After this, MONTANUS felt his passions so extreame, that he fell into this exclamation against the iniustice of Loue.

Helas Tirant plein de rigueur,
Modere vn peu ta violence:
Que te sert si grand despense?
C'est trop de flammes pour vn cueur.
Esparguez en vne estin celle,
Puis fay ton effort d'esmoûoir,
La fiere qui ne veut point voir,
En quel fu je brusle pour elle.
Execute Amour ce dessein,
Et rabaisse vn peu son audace,
Son cuer ne doit estre de glace.
Bien que elle ait de Niege le sein.

    MONTANUS ended his Sonet with such a volley of sighs, and such a streame of teares, as might haue mooued any but PHŒBE to haue granted him fauour. But she measuring all his passions with a coye disdaine, and triumphing in the poore Shepheardes patheticall humours, smiling at his martyrdome, as though loue had been no maladie, scornefully warbled out this Sonnet.

Phœbes Sonnet a replie to Montanus

Downe a downe.
    Thus Phillis sung
        by fancie once distressed: Who so by foolish Loue are flung
    are worthily oppressed.
            And so sing I.
With a downe, downe, &c.

        When Loue was first begot,
        And by the moouers will
        Did fall to humane lot
        His solace to fulfill.
        Deuoid of all deceipt,
        A chast and holy fire
        Did quicken mans conceipt,
        And womens breast inspire.
        The Gods that saw the good
        That mortalls did approoue,
        With kinde and holy mood
        Began to talke of Loue.
Downe a downe,
Phillis sung
                by fancie once distressed, &c.

        But during this accord,
        A wonder strange to heare:
        Whilest Loue in deede and word
        Most faithfull did appeare.
        False semblance came in place
        By iealozie attended,
        And with a doubleface
        Both loue and fancie blended.
        Which made the gods forsake,
        And men from fancie flie,
        And maidens scorne a make,
        Forsooth and so will I.
Downe a downe.
Phillis sung
                    by fancie once distressed;
        Who so by foolish Loue are stung
                    areworthely oppressed.
            And so sing I.
with downe a downe, adowne downe, adowne, a,

    MONTANUS hearing the cruel resolution of PHŒBE, was so ouergrowen with passions, that from amorous Ditties he fell flat into these tearmes; Ah PHŒBE quoth he, whereof art thou made, that thou regardest not my maladie? Am I so hatefull an obiect, that thine eyes condempne me for an abiect? or so base, that thy desires cannot stoope so lowe as to lende mee a gracious looke? My passions are manie, my loues more, my thoughts loyaltie, and my fancie faith: all deuoted in humble deuoire to the seruice of PHŒBE: & shal I reape no reward for such fealties. The Swaines daylie labours is quit with the euenings hire, the Ploughmans toyle is eased with the hope of corne, what the Oxe sweates out at the plough he fatneth at the cribbe: but infortunate MONTANUS hath no salue for his sorrowes, nor anie hope of reco[m]pence for the hazard of his perplexed passions. If PHŒBE, time may plead the proofe of my truth, twice seuen winters haue I loued faire PHŒBE: if constancie bee a cause to farther my sute, MONTANUS thoughtes haue beene sealed in the sweete of PHŒBES excellence, as farre from chaunge as she from loue: if outward passions may discouer inward affections, the furrowes in my face may decypher the sorrowes of my heart, and the mappe of my lookes the griefes of my minde. Thou seest (PHŒBE) the teares of despayre haue made my cheekes full of wrinkles, and my scalding sighes haue made the aire Eccho her pitie conceiued in my plaints: PHILOMELE hearing my passions, hath left her mournfull tunes to listen to the discourse of my mieries. I haue pourtraied in euerie tree the beautie of my Mistresse, & the despaire of my loues. What is it in the woods cannot witnes my woes? and who is it would not pitie my plaints? Onely PHŒBE. And why? Because I am MONTANUS, and she PHŒBE, I a worthlesse Swaine and she the most excellent of all faires. Beautifull PHŒBE, oh might I say pitifull, then happie were I though I tasted but one minute of that good hap. Measure MONTANUS not by his fortunes but by his loues; and ballaunce not his wealthe, but his desires, and lend but one gracious looke to cure a heape of disquieted cares: if not, ah if PHŒBE can not loue, let a storme of frownes ende the discontent of my thoughts, and so let me perish in my desires, because they are aboue my deserts: onely at my death this fauour cannot be denied me, that all shall say, MONTANUS died for loue of hard hearted PHŒBE. At these words she fild her face full of frownes, and made him this short and sharpe replie.
    Importunate Shepheard, whose loues are lawlesse, because restlesse: are thy passions so extreame that thou canst conceale them with patience? Or art so folly-sick, that thou must needes be fancie-sicke? and in thy affection tied to such an exigent, as none serues but PHŒBE. Well sir, if your market may be made no where els, home again, for your Mart is at the fairest. PHŒBE is no lettice for your lippes, and her grapes hangs so high, that gaze at them you may, but touch them you cannot. Yet MONTANUS I speake not this in pride, but in disdaine; not that I scorne thee, but that I hate Loue: for I count it as great honour to triumph ouer Fancie, as ouer Fortune. Rest thee content therefore MONTANUS, cease from thy loues, and bridle thy lookes; quench the sparkles before they grow to a further flame: for in louing me thou shalt liue by losse, & what thou vtterest in words, are all written in the winde. Wert thou (MONTANUS) as faire as PARIS, as hardie as HECTOR, as constant as TROYLUS, as louing as LEANDER; PHŒBE could not loue, because she cannot loue at all: and therefore if thou pursue me with PHŒBUS, I must flie with DAPHNE.
    GANIMEDE ouer-hearing all these passions of MONTANUS, could not brooke the crueltie of PHŒBE, but starting from behinde the bush said; And if Damzell you fled from me, I would transforme you as DAPHNE to a bay, and then in contempt trample your branches vnder my feete. PHŒBE at this sodaine replie was amazed, especially when she saw so faire a Swaine as GANIMEDE; blushing therefore, shee would haue been gone: but that he held her by the hand, and prosecuted his replie thus. What Shepheardesse, so fayre and so cruell? Disdaine beseemes not cottages, nor coynes maides: for either they be condempned to bee too proude, or too froward. Take heede (faire Nymph) that in despising Loue, you be not ouer-reacht with Loue, and in shaking off all, shape your selfe to your owne shaddow: and so with NARCISSUS prooue passionate & yet vnpitied. Oft haue I heard, and sometimes haue I seene, high disdaine turnd to hot desires. Because thou art beautifull, be not so coye: as there is nothing more faire, so there is nothing more fading, as momentary as the shadowes which growes from a clowdie Sunne. Such (my faire Shepheardesse) as disdaine in youth desire in age, and then are they hated in the winter, that might haue been loued in the prime. A wrinkled maide is like to a parched Rose, that is cast vp in coffers to please the smell, not worne in the hand to content the eye. There is no follie in Loue to had I wist: and therefore be rulde by me, Loue while thou art young, least thou be disdained when thou art olde. Beautie nor time cannot be recalde, and if thou loue, like of MONTA[NU]S: for as his desires are manie, so his deserts are great.
    PHŒBE all this while gazed on the perfection of GANIMEDE, as deeplie enamoured on his perfection, as MONTANUS inueigled with hers: for her eye made suruey of his excellent feature, which she found so rare, that she thought the ghost of ADONIS had been leapt from ELIZIUM in the shape of a Swaine. When she blusht at her owne follie to looke so long on a stranger, she mildlie made aunswere to GANIMEDE thus. I cannot denie sir but I haue heard of Loue, though I neuer felt Loue; and haue read of such a Goddesse as VENUS, though I neuer saw anie but her picture: & perhaps, and with that she waxed red and bashful, and with all silent: which GANIMEDE perceiuing, commended in her selfe the bashfulnesse of the maide, and desired her to goe forward. And perhaps sir (quoth she) mine eye hath ben more prodigall today than euer before: and with that she staid againe, as one greatly passionate and perplexed. ALIENA seeing the hare through the maze, bade her forwarde with her prattle: but in vaine, for at this abrupt periode she broke off, and with her eyes full of teares, and her face couered with a vermillion die, she sate downe and sightht. Whereuppon, ALIENA and GANIMEDE seeing the Shepheardesse in such a strange plight, left PHŒBE with her MONTANUS, wishing her friendly that shee would be more pliant to Loue, least in penaunce VENUS ioyned her to some sharpe repentaunce. PHŒBE made no replie, but fetcht such a sigh, that Eccho made relation of her plaint: giuing GANIMEDE such an adieu with a piercing glaunce, that the amorous Girle-boye perceiued PHŒBE was pincht by the heele.
    But leauing PHŒBE to the follies of her new fancie, and MONTANUS to attend vpon her; to SALADYNE, who all this last night could not rest for the remembrance of ALIENA: insomuch that he framed [a ]sweete conceipted sonnet to content his humour, which he put in his bosome: being requested by his brother ROSADER to go to ALIENA and GANIMEDE, to signify vnto them that his wounds were not dangerous. A more happie message could not happen to SALADYNE, that taking his Forrest bil on his necke, he trudgeth in all hast towards the plaines, where ALIENAES flockes did feede: comming to the place when they returned from MONTANUS and PHŒBE. Fortune so conducted this iollie Forrester, that he encountred them and CORIDON, whom he presently saluted in this manner.
    Faire Shepheardesse, and too faire, vnlesse your beautie be tempred with courtesie, & the liniaments of the face graced with the lowlinesse of minde: as manie good fortunes to you and your Page, as your selues can desire, or I imagine. My brother ROSADER (in the griefe of his greene wounds) still mindfull of his friends, hath sent me to you with a kind salute, to shew that he brookes his paines with the more patience, in that he holds the parties precious in whose defence he receiued the preiudice. The report of your welfare, will bee a great comfort to his distempered bodie and distressed thoughts, and therefore he sent mee with a strict charge to visite you. And you (quoth ALIENA) are the more welcome in that you are messenger from so kind a Gentleman, whose paines we compassionate with as great sorrowe as hee brookes them with griefe; and his wounds breedes in vs as manie passions, as in him extremities: so that what disquiet hee feeles in bodie, wee partake in heart. Wishing (if wee might) that our mishap might salue his maladie. But seeing our wills yields him little ease, our orizons are neuer idle to the Gods for his recouerie. I pray youth (quoth GANIMEDE with teares in his eies) when the Surgeon searcht him, helde he his wounds dangerous? Dangerous (quoth SALADYNE) but not mortall: and the sooner to be cured, in that his patient is not impatient of anie paines: whereupon my brother hopes within these ten dayes to walke abroad and visite you himselfe. In the meane time (quoth GANIMEDE say his ROSALYNDE commends her to him and bids him be of good cheere. I know not (quoth SALADYNE) who that ROSALYNDE is, but whatsoeuer she is, her name is neuer out out of his mouth: but amidst the deepest of his passions he vseth ROSALYNDE as a charme to appease all sorrows with patience. Insomuch that I coniecture my brother is in loue, and she some Paragon that holdes his hart perplexed: whose name he oft records with sighs, sometimes with teares, straight with ioy, then with smiles; as if in one person Loue had lodged a Chaos of confused passions. Wherein I haue noted the variable disposition of fancie, that like the POLYPE in colours, so it changeth into sundrie humours: being as it should seeme a combate mixt with disquiet, and a bitter pleasure wrapt in a sweete preiudice, like to the SINOPLE tree, whose blossomes delight the smell, and whose fruite infects the tast. By my faith (quoth ALIENA) sir, you are deepe read in loue, or growes your insight into affection by experience? Howsoeuer, you are a great Philosopher in VENUS principles, els could you not discouer her secrete aphorismes. But sir in our countrey amours are not like your courtly fancies, nor is our wooing like your suing: for poore shepheardes neuer plaine them till Loue paine them, where the Courtiers eyes is full of passions when his heart is most free from affection: they court to discouer their eloquence, we wooe to ease our sorrowes: euerie faire face with them must haue a new fancie sealed with a forefinger kisse and a farre fetcht sigh; we heere loue one, and liue to that one so lo[n]g as life can maintain loue, vsing few ceremonies because we know fewe subtilties, and little eloquence for that wee lightly accompt of flatterie: only faith and troth thats shepheards wooing, and sir howe like you of this? So (quoth SALADYNE) as I could tie my selfe to such loue. What, and looke so low as a Shepheardesse, being the Sonne of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux: such desires were a disgrace to your honours. And with that surueying exquisitely euerie part of him, as vttering all these words in a deepe passion, she espied the paper that was in his bosome: whereupon growing iealous that it was some amorous Sonnet, shee sodainely snatcht it out of his bosome, and asked if it were any secret? She was bashfull, and SALADYNE blusht: which she perceiuing sayd; Nay then sir, if you waxe redde, my life for yours tis some Loue matter: I will see your Mistresse name, her praises, and your passions. And with that she lookt on it: which was written to this effect.

Saladynes Sonnet.

If it be true that heauens eternall course
With restlesse sway and ceaseless turning glides,
If aire inconstant be, and swelling sourse
Turne and returnes with many fluent tides,
    If earth in winter summers pride estrange,
    And Nature seemeth onely faire in change.

If it be true that our immortall spright
Deriude from heauenly pure, in wandring still
In noueltie and strangenesse doth delight,
And by discouerent power discerneth ill,
    And if the bodie for to work his best
    Doth with the seasons change his place of rest:

Whence comes it that (inforst by furious Skies)
I change both place and soyle, but not my hart?
Yet salue not in this change my maladies?
Whence growes it that each obiect workes my smart?
    Alas I see my faith procures my misse,
    And change in loue against my nature is.
Et florida pungunt.

    ALIENA hauing read ouer his sonnet, began thus plesantly to descant upon it. I see SALADYNE (quoth shee) that as the Sunne is no Sunne without his brightnesse, nor the diamond accounted for precious vnlesse it be hard: so men are not men vnlesse they be in loue; and their honours are measured by their amours not their labours, counting it more commendable for a Gentleman to be full of fancie, than full of vertue. I had thought

Otia si tollas periere Cupidinis arcus,
Contemptæq iacent, & sine luce faces:

But I see OUIDS axiome is not authenticall, for euen labor hath her loues, and extremitie is no pumice stone to race out fancie. Your selfe exiled from your wealth, friends, & countrey by TORISMOND, (sorrowes enough to suppresse affections) yet amidst the depth of these extreamities, Loue will be Lord, and shew his power to bee more predominant than Fortune. But I pray you sir (if without offence I maye craue it) are they some new thoughts, or some olde desires? SALADYNE (that now saw opportunitie pleasaunt) thought to strike while the yron was hote, and therefore taking ALIENA by the hand sate downe by her; and GANIMEDE to giue them leaue to their Loues, founde her selfe busie about the foldes, whilest SALADYNE fell into this prattle with ALIENA.
    Fair Mistres, if I be blunt in discouering my affections, and vse little eloquence in leuelling out my loues: I appeale for pardon to your owne principles that say, Shepheardes vse few ceremonies, for that they acquaint the[m]selues with few subtilties: to frame my selfe therefore to your countrey fashion with much faith and little flatterie, knowe beautifull Shepheardesse, that whilest I liued in the court I knew not Loues cumber, but I held affection as a toy, not as a maladie; vsing fancie as the HIPERBOREI do their flowers, which they weare in their bosome all day, and cast them in the fire for fuell all night. I liked al because I loued none, and who was most faire on her I fed mine eye: but as charely as the Bee, that assoone as shee hath suckt honnie from the rose, flies straight to the next Marigold. Liuing thus at mine owne list, I wondred at such as were in loue, & when I read their passions, I tooke them only for poems that flowed from the quicknesse of the wit not the sorrowes of the heart. But nowe (faire Nymph) since I became a Forrester, Loue hath taught me such a lesson that I must confesse his deitie and dignitie, and saye as there is nothing so precious as beautie, so there is nothing more piercing than fancie. For since I first arriued in this place, and mine eie tooke a curious suruey of your excellence, I haue been so fettered with your beautie and vertue, as (sweet ALIENA) SALADYNEwithout further circumstance loues ALIENA. I coulde paint out my desires with long ambrages, but seeing in manie words lies mistrust, and that trueth is euer naked; let this suffice for a countrey wooing, SALADYNE loues ALIENA, and none but ALIENA.
    Although these words were most heauenly harmonie in the eares of the Shepheardesse: yet to seeme coye at the first courting, and to disdaine Loue howsoeuer shee desired Loue, she made this replie.
    Ah SALADYNE, though I seeme simple, yet I am more subtile than to swallow the hook because it hath a painted bait: as men are wilie so women are warie, especially if they haue that wit by others harmes to beware. Doo we not knowe SALADYNE, that mens tongues are like MERCURIES pipe, that can inchaunt ARGUS with an hundred eies, and their words as preiudiciall as the charmes of CIRCES, that transfourme men into monsters. If such SYRENS sing, wee poore Women had neede stoppe our eares, least in hearing we proue so foolish hardie as to beleeue them, and so perish in trusting much, and suspecting little. SALADYNE, Piscator ictus sapit, he that hath been once poysoned and afterwards feares not to bowse of euerie potion, is woorthie to suffer double pennaunce. Giue me leaue then to mistrust, though I doo not condempne. SALADYNE is now in loue with ALIENA, he a Gentleman of great Parentage, she a Shepheardesse of meane Parents; he honourable, and shee poore? Can Loue consist of contrarieties? Will the Fawlcon pearch with the Kistresse, the Lion harbour with the Woolfe? Will VENUS ioyne roabes and rags together? Or can there be a simpathie betweene a King and a begger. Then SALADYNE how can I beleeue thee that loue should vnite our thoughts, when Fortune hath set such a difference betweene our degrees? But suppose thou likest of ALIENAES beautie, men in their fancie resemble the waspe, which scornes that flower from which she hath fetcht her waxe; playing like the inhabitants of the Ilande Tenerifa, who when they haue gathered the sweete spices, vse the trees for fuel: so men when they haue glutted the faire of womens faces, holde them for necessarie euills; and weried with that which they seemed so much to loue, cast away fancie as children doo their rattles; and loathing that which so deepelie before they likte, especially such as take loue in a minute, & haue their eyes attractiue like ieate apt to entertaine anie obiect, are as readie to let it slip againe. SALADYNE hearing howe ALIENA harpt still vppon one string, which was the doubt of mens constancie, hee broke off her sharp inuectiue thus.
    I graunt ALIENA (quoth hee) manie men haue doone amisse in proouing soone ripe and soone rotten, but particular instances inferre no generall conclusions: and therefore I hope what others haue faulted in shall not preiudice my fauours. I will not vse sophistrie to confirme my loue, for that is subtiltie; nor long discourses, least my words might bee thought more than my faith: but if this will suffice, that by the honour of a Gentleman I loue ALIENA, and wooe ALIENA not to crop the blossomes and reiect the tree, but to consummate my faithfull desires, in the honourable ende of marriage.
    At this word marriage: ALIENA stood in a maze what to answere: fearing that if she were too coye to driue him away with her disdaine: and if she were too courteous to discouer the heate of her desires. In a dilemma thus what to doo, at last this she said. SALADYNE euer since I saw thee, I fauoured thee, I cannot dissemble my desires, because I see thou doost faithfully manifest thy thoughtes, and in liking thee I loue thee so farre as mine honour holdes fancie still in suspence: but if I knew thee as vertuous as thy father, or as well qualified as thy brother ROSADER, the doubt shoulde be quicklie decided: but for this time to giue thee an answere, assure thy selfe this, I will either marrie with SALADYNE, or still liue a virgine: and with this they strained one anothers hand. Which GANIMEDE espying, thinking he had his Mistres long enough at shrift, said, what, a match, or no? A match (quoth ALIENA) or els it were an ill market. I am glad (quoth GANIMEDE) I would ROSADER were well here to make vp a messe. Well remembred (quoth SALADYNE) I forgot I left my brother ROSADER alone: and therefore least being solitarie he should increase his sorrowes I will hast me to him. May it please you then to commaund me anie seruice to him, I am readie to be a duetifull messenger. Onely at this time commend me to him (quoth ALIENA) & tell him, though wee cannot pleasure him we pray for him. And forget not (quoth GANIMEDE) my commendations; but say to him that ROSALYNDE sheds as manie teares from her heart, as he drops of bloud from his wounds, for the sorrow of his misfortunes; feathering all her thoughtes with disquiet, till his welfare procure her content: say thus (good SALADYNE) and so farewell. He hauing his message, gaue a courteous adieu to them both, especially to ALIENA: and so playing loath to depart, went to his brother. But ALIENA, she perplexed and yet ioyfull, past away the day pleasauntly still praising the perfection of SALADYNE, not ceasing to chat of her new Loue, till euening drew on; and then they folding their sheepe, went home to bed. Where we leaue them and return to PHŒBE.
    PHŒBE fiered with the vncouth flame of loue, returned to her fathers house; so galled with restlesse passions, as now she began to acknowledge, that as there was no flower so fresh but might be parched with the Sunne, no tree so strong but might bee shaken with a storme; so there was no thought so chast, but Time armde with Loue could make amorous: for shee that held DIANA for the Goddesse of her deuotion, was now faine to flie to the Altare of VENUS; as suppliant now with prayers, as she was froward afore with disdaine. As she lay in her bed, she called to minde the seuerall beauties of yong GANIMED, first his locks, which being amber hued, passeth the wreathe that PHŒBUS puts on to make his front glorious; his browe of yuorie, was like the seat where Loue and Maiestie sits inthronde to enchayne Fancie; his eyes as bright as the burnishing of the heauen, darting foorth frownes with disdaine, and smiles with fauor, lightning such lookes as would enflame desire, were shee wrapt in the Circle of the frozen Zoane; in his cheekes the vermilion teinture of the Rose flourished vpon naturall Alabaster, the blush of the Morne and LUNAES siluer showe were so liuely portrayed, that the TROYAN that fils out wine to IUPITER was not halfe so beautifull; his face was full of pleasance, and all the rest of his liniaments proportioned with such excellence, as PHŒBE was fettred in the sweetnes of his feature. The IDEA of these perfections tumbling in her minde, made the poore Shpheardesse so perplexed, as feeling a pleasure tempred with intollerable paines, and yet a disquiet mixed with a content, she rather wished to die, than to liue in this amorous anguish. But wishing is little worth in such extreames, and therefore was she forst to pine in her maladie, without anie salue for her sorrowes. Reueale it she durst not, as daring in such matters to make none her secretarie; and to conceale it, why she doubled her griefe: for as fire supprest growes to the greater flame, and the Current stopt to the more violent streame; so Loue smothred wrings the heart with the deeper passions.
    Perplexed thus with sundrie agonies, her foode began to faile, and the disquiet of her minde began to worke a distemperature of her bodie, that to be short PHŒBE fell extreame sicke, and so sicke, as there was almost left no recouerie of health. Her father seeing his faire PHŒBE thus distrest, sent for his friends, who sought by medicine to cure, and by counsaile to pacifie, but all in vaine: for although her bodie was feeble through long fasting, yet she did magis agrotare animo quàm corpore. Which her friends perceiued and sorrowed at, but salue it they could not.
    The newes of her sicknesse was bruted abroad thorough all the Forrest: which no sooner came to MONTANUS eare, but he like a madde man came to visite PHŒBE. Where sitting by her bedde side, he began his Exordium with so manie teares and sighes, that she perceiuing the extremitie of his sorrowes, began now as a louer to pitie them, although GANIMEDE held her from redressing them. MONTANUS craued to knowe the cause of her sicknesse tempred with secrete plaints: but she answered him (as the rest) with silence, hauing still the forme of GANIMEDE in her minde, & coniecturing how shee might reueale her loues. To vtter it in words she found herself too bashfull, to discourse by anie friend shee would not trust anie in her amours, to remayne thus perplexed still and conceale all, was a double death. Whereuppon for her last refuge she resolued to write vnto GANIMEDE: and therefore desired MONTANUS to absent him self a while, but not to depart: for she would see if she could steale a nappe. He was no sooner gone out of the chamber, but reaching to her standish, she tooke penne and paper, and wrote a letter to this effect.

Phœbe to Ganimede wisheth what she
wants her selfe.

Aire Shepheard (and therefore is PHŒBE infortunate because thou art so faire) although hetherto mine eies were adamants to resist Loue, yet I no sooner saw thy face but they became amorous to intertaine Loue: more deuoted to fancie than before they were repugnant to affection, addicted to the one by Nature, and drawen to the other by beautie; which being rare, and made the more excellent by manie vertues, hath so snared the freedome of PHŒBE, as she rests at thy mercie, either to bee made the most fortunate of all Maidens, or the most miserable of all Women. Measure not GANIMEDE my loues by my wealth, nor my desires by my degrees: but thinke my thoughts are as full of faith, as thy face of amiable fauours. Then as thou knowest thy selfe most beautifull, suppose me most constant. If thou deemest me hardhearted because I hated MONTANUS, thinke I was forst to it by Fate: if thou saist I am kinde hearted because so lightly I loue thee at the first looke, thinke I was driuen to it by Destenie, whose influence as it is mightie, so it is not to be resisted. If my fortunes were anie thing but infortunate Loue, I woulde striue with Fortune: but he that wrests against the will of VENUS, seekes to quench fire with oyle, and to thrust out one thorne by putting in another. If then GANIMEDE, Loue enters at the eie, harbours in the heart, and will neither bee driuen out with Phisicke nor reason: pitie me, as one whose maladie hath no salue but from thy sweete selfe, whose griefe hath no ease but through thy graunt, and thinke I am a Virgine, who is deepely wrongd, when I am forst to wooe: and coniecture Loue to bee strong, that is more forceable than Nature.
    Thus distressed vnlesse by thee eased, I expect either to liue fortunate by thy fauour, or die miserably by thy deniall. Liuing in hope. Farewell.

                    She that must be thine, or
                            or not be at all.


To this letter she annexed this Sonnet.
    My boate doth passe the straights
        of seas incenst with fire,
    Filde with forgetfulnesse:
        amidst the winters night,
    A blinde and carelesse boy
        brought vp by fonde desire)
    Doth guide me in the sea
        of sorrow and despight.

    For euerie oare, he sets
        a ranke of foolish thoughts,
    And cuts (in stead of waue)
        a hope without distresse;
    The windes of my deepe sighs
        that thunder still for noughts)
    Haue split my sayles with feare,
        with care, with heauinesse.

    A mightie storme of teares,
        a blacke and hideous cloude,
    A thousand fierce disdaines
        doo flacke the aleyards oft:
    Till ignorance doo pull
        and errour hale the shrowdes,
    No starre for safetie shines,
    Phœbe from aloft.
            Time hath subdued arte,
                and ioy is slaue to woe:
            Alas (loues guide) be kinde;
                what shall I perish so?

    This Letter and the Sonnet being ended, she could find no fitte messenger to send it by; and therefore shee called in MONTANUS, and intreated him to carrie it to GANIMEDE. Although poore MONTANUS sawe day at a little hole, and did perceiue what passion pincht her: yet (that he might seeme dutifull to his Mistres in all seruice) he dissembled the matter, and became a willing messenger of his owne Martydome. And so (taking the letter) went the next morne verie early to the Plaines where ALIENA fed her flockes, and there hee found GANIMEDE sitting vnder a Pomegranade tree sorrowing for the hard fortunes of her ROSADER. MONTANUS saluted him, and according to his charge deliuered GANIMEDE the letters, which (he said) came from PHŒBE. At this the wanton blusht, as beeing abasht to thinke what newes should come from an vnknowen Shepheardesse, but taking the letters v[n]ript the seales, and read ouer the discourse of PHŒBES fancies. When shee had read and ouer-read them, GANIMEDE began to smile, & looking on MONTAN[U]S fell into a great laughter: and with that called ALIENA, to whom she shewed the writings. Who hauing perused them, conceipted them verie pleasantly, and smiled to see how Loue had yoakt her, who before disdainded to stoupe to the lure, ALIENA whispering GANIMEDE in the eare, and saying; Knewe PHŒBE what want there were in thee to perfourme her will, and how vnfit thy kinde is too bee kinde to her, she would be more wise and lesse enamoured: but leauing that, I pray thee let vs sport with this Swaine. At that worde, GANIMEDE tourning to MONTANUS, began to glaunce at him thus.
    I pray thee tell me Shepheard, by those sweet thoughts and pleasing sighes that grow from my Mistresse fauours, art thou in loue with PHŒBE? Oh my youth, quoth MONTANUS, were PHŒBE so farre in loue with me, my Flockes would be more fat and their Master more quiet: for through the sorrowes of my discontent growes the leannesse of my sheepe. Alas poore Swaine quoth GANIMEDE, are thy passions so extreame or thy fancie so resolute, that no reason will blemish the pride of thy affection, and race out that which thou striuest for without hope? Nothing can make me forget PHŒBE, while MONTANUS forget himselfe: for those characters which true Loue hath stamped, neither the enuie of Time nor Fortune can wipe awaye. Why but MONTANUS quoth GANIMEDE, enter with a deep insight into the despaire of thy fancies, and thou shalt see the depth of thine owne follies: for (poore man) thy progresse in loue is a regresse to losse, swimming against the streame with the Crab, and flying with APIS INDICA against winde and weather. Thou seekest with PHŒBUS to winne DAPHNE, and shee flies faster than thou canst followe: thy desires soare with the Hobbie, but her disdaine reacheth higher than thou canst make wing. I tell thee MONTANUS, in courting PHŒBE thou barkest with the Wolues of Syria against the Moone, and roauest at such a marke with thy thoughtes, as is beyond the pitch of thy bow, praying to Loue when loue is pitilesse, and thy maladie remidilesse. For proofe MONTANUS read these letters, wherein thou shalt see thy great follies and little hope.
    With that MONTANUS tooke them and perused them, but with such sorrowe in his lookes, they bewrayed a sourse of confused passions, in his heart: at euerie line his colour changed, and euerie sentence was ended with a periode of sighes.
    At last, noting PHŒBES extreame desire toward GANIMEDE, and her disdaine towards him, giuing GANIMEDE the letter, the Shephearde stoode as though hee had neither wonne nor lost. Which GANIMEDE perceiuing, wakened him out of his dreame thus; Now MONTANUS, doost thou see thou vowest great seruice and obteinest but little reward: but in lieu of thy loyaltie, she maketh thee as BELLEPHORON carrie thine owne bane. Then drinke not willinglie of that potion wherein thou knowest is poyson, creepe not to her that cares not for thee. What MONTANUS, there are manie as faire as PHŒBE, but most of all more courteous than PHŒBE. I tell thee Shepheard, fauour is loues fuell: then since thou canst not get that, let the flame vanish into smoake, and rather sorrow for a while than repent thee for euer.
    I tell thee GANIMEDE (quoth MONTANUS) as they which are stung with the Scorpion, cannot be recouered but by the Scorpion, nor hee that was wounded with ACHILLES lance be cured but with the same trunchion: so APOLLO was faine to crie out, that Loue was onely eased with Loue, and fancie healed by no medecin but fauor. PHŒBUS had hearbs to heale all hurts but this passion, CYRCES had charmes for all chaunces but for affection, and MERCURIE subtill reasons to refell all griefes but Loue. Perswasions are bootlesse, Reason lendes no remedie, Counsaile no comfort, to such whome Fancie hath made resolute: and therefore though PHŒBE loues GANIMEDE, yet MONTANUS must honor none but PHŒBE.
    Then quoth GANIMEDE, may I rightly tearme thee a despayring Louer, that liuest without ioy, & louest without hope: but what shall I doo MONTANUS to pleasure thee? Shall I despise PHŒBE as she disdaines thee? Oh (quoth MONTANUS) that were to renew my griefes, and double my sorrowes: for the sight of her discontent were the sensure of my death. Alas GANIMEDE, though I perish in my thoughtes, let her not die in her desires. Of all passions, Loue is most impatient: then let not so faire a creature as PHŒBE sinke vnder the burden of so deepe a distresse. Being loue sicke she is prooued heart sicke, and all for the beautie of GANIMEDE. Thy proportion hath entangled her affection, and she is snared in the beautie of thy excellence. Then sith she loues thee so deere, mislike not her deadly. Bee thou paramour to such a paragon: shee hath beautie to content thine eye, and flockes to enrich thy store. Thou canst not wish for more than thou shalt winne by her: for she is beautifull, vertuous, and wealthie, three deepe perswasions to make loue frolicke. ALIENA seeing MONTANUS cut it against the haire, and plead that GANIMEDE ought to loue PHŒBE, when his onely life was the loue of PHŒBE: answered him thus. Why MONTANUS doost thou further this motion? seeing if GANIMEDE marrie PHŒBE thy market is clean mard. Ah Mistres (quoth he) so hath Loue taught mee to honour PHŒBE, that I would preiudice my life to pleasure her, and die in despaire rather than she should perish for want. It shal suffice me to see him contented, and to feed my eye on her fauour. If she marrie though it be my Martyrdome: yet if shee bee pleased I will brooke it with patience, and triumph in mine owne starres to see her desires satisfied. Therefore if GANIMEDE bee as courteous as hee is beautifull, let him shew his vertues, in redressing PHŒBES miseries. And this MONTANUS pronounced with such an assured countenance, that it amazed both ALIENA and GANIMEDE to see the resolution of his loues: so that they pitied his passions and commended his patience; deuising how they might by anie subtiltie, get MONTANUS the faouour of PHŒBE. Straight (as Womens heads are full of wyles ) GANIMEDE had a fetch to force PHŒBE to fancie Shepheard MALGRADO the resolution of her minde hee prosecuted his policie thus. MONTANUS (quoth he) seeing PHŒBE is so forlorne least I might bee cou[n]ted vnkinde, in not saluing so faire a creature, I will goe with thee to PHŒBE, and there heare her selfe in worde vtter that which she hath discourst with her penne, and then as Loue wills me, I will set downe my censure. I will home by our house, and send CORIDON to accompanie ALIENA. MONTANUS seemed glad of this determination, and away they goe towards the house of PHŒBE. When they drew nigh to the Cottage, MONTANUS ranne afore, & went in and told PHŒBE that GANIMEDE was at the dore. This word GANIMEDE sounding in the eares of PHŒBE, draue her into such an extasie of ioy, that rising vp in her bed she was halfe reuiued, and her wan colour began to waxe red: and with that came GANIMEDE in, who saluted PHŒBE with such a courteous looke, that it was halfe a salue to her sorrowes. Sitting him downe by her bed side, hee questioned about her disease, and where the paine chiefly helde her? PHŒBE looking as louely as VENUS in her night geere, tainting her face with as ruddie a blush as CLITIA did when shee bewrayed her Loues to PHŒBUS: taking GANIMEDE by the hand began thus. Faire shepheard, if loue were not more strong then nature, or fancie the sharpest extreame, my immodesty were the more, and my vertues the lesse: for nature hath framed womens eyes bashfull, their hearts full of feare, and their tongues full of silence: But Loue, that imperious Loue, where his power is predominant, then he peruerts all and wresteth the wealth of nature to his owne will: and Instance in my selfe fayre GANIMEDE, for such a fire hath hee kindled in my thoughts, that to finde ease for the flame, I was forced to passe the bounds of modestie and seeke a salue at thy handes for my secret harmes: blame mee not if I bee ouer bolde for it is thy beautie, and if I be too forward it is fancie, & the deepe insight into thy vertues that makes me thus fond. For let me say in a word, what may be contayned in a volume, PHŒBE loues GANIMEDE: at this she held downe her head and wept, and GANIMEDE rose as one that would suffer no fish to hang on his fingers made this replie. Water not thy plants PHŒBE, for I doe pitie thy plaintes, nor seeke not to discouer thy loues in teares: for I coniecture thy trueth by thy passions: sorrow is no salue for loues, nor sighes no remedie for affection. Therefore frolick PHŒBE, for if GANIMEDE can cure thee, doubt not of recouerie. Yet this let me say without offence, that it greeues me to thwart MONTANUS in his fancies, seeing his desires haue ben so resolute, and his thoughts so loyall: But thou alleadgest that thou art forst from him by fate; so I tell thee PHŒBE either some starre or elese some destinie fits my minde rather to die with ADONIS in chase, than be counted a wanton in VENUS knee. Although I pittie thy martyrdome, yet I can grant no marriage, for though I hold thee faire, yet mine eye is not fettered, Loue growes not like the hearb Spattanna to his perfection in one night but creepes with the snaile, and yet at last attaines to the top Festina Lente especially in Loue: for momentarie fancies are oft times the fruites of follies: If PHŒBE I should like thee as the HIPERBOREI do their Dates, which banquet with them in the morning and throw them awaie at night, my folly should be great, and thyy repentance more[.] Therefore I will haue time to turne my thoughts, and my Loues shall growe vp as the water Cresses, slowly but with a deepe roote. Thus PHŒBE thou maist see I disdaine not though I desire not, remaining indifferent till time and loue makes me resolute. Therefore PHŒBE seeke not to suppresse affection, and with the Loue of MONTANUS quench the remembrance of GANIMEDE, striue thou to hate me as I seeke to like of thee, and euer haue the duties of MONTANUS in thy minde, for I promise thee thou mayst haue one more welthie but not more loyall. These wordes were corasiues to the perplexed PHŒBE, that sobbing out sighes and strayning out teares shee blubbered out these wordes.
    And shall I then haue no salue of GANIMEDE, but suspence, no hope but a doubtfull hazard, no comfort, but bee posted off to the will of time? iustly haue the Gods ballanst my fortunes, who beeing cruell to MONTANUS found GANIMEDE, as vnkinde to my selfe: so in forcing him perish for loue, I shall die my selfe with ouermuch loue. I am glad (quoth GANIMEDE) you looke into your owne faults, and see where your shooe wrings you, measuring now the paines of MONTAN[U]S by your owne passions. Truth quoth PHŒBE, and so deepely I repent me of my frowardnesse toward the Shepheard, that could I cease to loue GANIMEDE, I would resolue to like MONTANUS. What if I can with reason perswade PHŒBE to mislike of GANIMEDE, will she then fauour MONTANUS? When reason (quoth she) doth quench that loue that I owe to thee, then will I fancie him: conditionallie, that if my loue can bee supprest with no reason, as beeing without reason, GANIMEDE wil onely wed himselfe to PHŒBE. I graunt it faire Shepheardesse quoth he: and to feede thee with the sweetnesse of hope, this resolue on: I will neuer marrie my selfe to woman but vnto thy selfe: and with that GANIMEDE gaue PHŒBE a fruitlesse kisse & such words of comfort, that before GANIMEDE departed she arose out of her bed, and made him and MONTANUS such cheere, as could be found in a Countrey cottage. GANIMEDE in the midst of their banquet rehearsing the promises of either in MONTANUS fauour, which highly pleased the Shephearde. Thus all three content, and soothed vp in hope, GANIMEDE tooke his leaue of PHŒBE & departed, leauing her a contented woman, and MONTANUS highly pleased. But poore GANIMEDE, who had her thoughtes on her ROSADER, when she calde to remembrance his wounds, filde her eyes full of teares, and her heart full of sorrowes, plodded to find ALIENA at the Foldes, thinking with her presence to driue away her passions. As she came on the Plaines, she might espie where ROSADER and SALADYNE sate with ALIENA vnder the shade: which sight was a salue to her griefe, and such a cordiall vnto her heart, that she tript alongst the Lawnes full of ioy.
    At last CORIDON who was with them spied GANIMEDE, and with that the Clowne rose, and running to meete him cried, Oh sirha, a match, a match, our Mistris shall be maried on Sunday. Thus the poore peasant frolict it before GANIMEDE, who comming to the crue saluted them all, and especially ROSADER, saying that hee was glad to see him so well recouered of his wounds. I had not gone abroade so soone quoth ROSADER, but that I am bidden to a marriage, which on Sunday next must be solempnized betweene my brother and ALIENA. I see well where Loue leades delay is loathsome, and that small wooing serues, where both the parties are willing. Truth, quoth GANIMEDE: but a happie day should it be, if ROSADER that day might be married to ROSALYNDE. Ah good GANIMEDE (quoth he) by naming ROSALYNDE renue not my sorrowes: for the thought of her perfections, is the thrall of my miseries. Tush, be of good cheere man quoth GANIMEDE, I haue a friend that is deeply experienst in Negromancie and Magicke, what arte can doo shall bee acted for thine aduantage: I will cause him to bring in ROSALYNDE, if either Fraunce or anie bordering Nation harbour her; and vppon that take the faith of a young Shepheard. ALIENA smiled to see how ROSADER frownde, thinking that GANIMEDE had iested with him. But breaking off from those matters, the Page (somewhat pleasant) began to discourse vnto them what had past betweene him and PHŒBE: which as they laught, so they wondred at; all confessing, that there is none so chast but Loue will change. Thus they past away the day in chat, and when the Sunne began to set, they tooke their leaues and departed: ALIENA prouiding for their marriage day such solempne cheere and handsome roabes as fitted their countrey estate, & yet somewhat the better, in that ROSADER had promised to bring GERISMOND thether as a guest. GANIMEDE (who then meant to discouer her selfe before her father,[)] had made her a gowne of greene, and a kirtle of the finest sendall, in such sort that she seemed some heauenly Nymph harboured in Countrey attire.
    SALADYNE was not behind in care to set out the nuptials, nor ROSADER vnminfull to bid guests, who inuited GERISMOND and all his Followers to the Feast: who willinglye graunted: so that there was nothing but the daye wanting to this marriage. In the mea[n]e while, PHŒBE being a bidden guest, made her selfe as gorgeous as might be to please the eye of GANIMEDE; and MONTANUS suted himselfe with the cost of many of his flocks to be gallant against that day; for then was GANIMEDE to giue PHŒBE an answere of her loues, and MONTANUS either to heare the doome of his miserie, or the sensure of his happinesse. But while this geare was a bruing, PHŒBE past not one day without visiting hir GANIMEDE, so farre was she wrapt in the beauties of this louely Swaine. Much prattle they had, and the discourse of manie passions, PHŒBE wishing for the daye (as shee thought) of her welfare, and GANIMEDE smiling to thinke what vnexpected euents would fall out at the wedding. In these humours the weeke went away, that at last Sundaye came.
    No sooner did PHŒBUS Hench man appeare in the Skie, to giue warning that his masters horses shoulde bee trapt in his glorious couch, but CORIDON in his holiday sute meruailous seemely, in a russet iacket welted with the same, and faced with red worsted, hauing a paire of blew chamlet sleeues, bound at the wrests with foure yeolow laces, closed afore verie richly with a dossen of pewter buttons: his hose was of gray karsie, with a large slop bard ouerthwart the pocket holes with three fair gards, stitcht of either side with red thred, his stock was of the own sewed close to his breech, and for to beautifie his hose, he had trust himselfe round with a dosen of new thredden points of medley colour: his bonnet was greene whereon stood a copper brooch with the picture of SAINT DENIS: and to want nothing that might make him amorous in his olde dayes, he has a fayre shyrt band of fine lockram, whipt ouer with Couentrey blew, of no small cost. Thus attired, CORIDON bestird himselfe as chiefe stickler in these actions, and had strowed all the house with flowers, that it seemed rather some of FLORAES choyce bowers, than anie Countrey cottage.
    Thether repaired PHŒBE with all the maides of the forest to set out the bride in the most seemeliest sort that might be: but howsoeuer she helpt to pranke out ALIENA, yet her eye was still on GANIMEDE, who was so neate in a sute of gray, that he seemed ENDYMION when hee won LUNA with his lookes, or PARIS when he plaide the Swaine to get the beautie of the Nymph OENONE. GANIMEDE like a prettie Page waited on his Mistresse ALIENA, and ouerlookt that al was in a readinesse against the Bridegroome shoulde come. Who attired in a Forresters sute came accompanied with GERISMOND and his brother ROSADER early in the morning; where arriued, they were solempnlie entertained by ALIENA and the rest of the Countrey Swaines, GERISMOND verie highly commending the fortunate choyce of SALADYNE, in that he had chosen a Shepheardesse, whose vertues appeared in her outward beauties, being no lesse faire then seeming modest.
    GANIMEDE comming in and seeing her Father began to blush, Nature working affects by her secret effects: scarce could she abstaine from teares to see her Father in so lowe fortunes: he that was wont to sit in his royall Pallaice, attended on by twelue noble peeres, now to be contented with a simple Cottage, and a troupe of reuelling Woodmen for his traine. The consideration of his fall, made GANIMEDE full of sorrowes: yet that shee might triumph ouer Fortune with patience, and not anie way dash that merrie day with her dumpes, shee smothered her melancholy with a shaddow of mirth: and verie reuerently welcommed the King, not according to his former degree, but to his present estate, with such diligence, as GERISMOND began to commend the Page for his exquisite person, and excellent qualities.
    As thus the King with his Forresters frolickt it among the shepheards, CORIDON came in with a faire mazer full of Sidar, and presented it to GERISMOND with such a clownish salute, that he began to smile, and tooke it of the old shepheard verie kindly, drinking to ALIENA and the rest of her faire maides, amongst whom PHŒBE was the formost. ALIENA pledged the King, and drunke to ROSADER: so the went round from him to PHŒBE, &c. As they were thus drinking and readie to goe to Church, came in MONTANUS apparailed all in tawney, to signifie that he was forsaken; on his head he wore a garland of willowe, his bottle hanged by his side whereon was painted despaire, and on his sheephooke hung two sonnets as labels of his loues & fortunes.
    Thus attired came MONTANUS in, with his face as full of griefe, as his heart was of sorrowes, shewing in his countenance the map of extremities. Assoone as the Shepheards saw him, they did him all the honour they could, as being the flower of all the Swaines in Arden: for a bonnier boy was there not seene since the wanton Wag of Troy that kept sheep in Ida. He seeing the king, and gessing it to be GERISMOND, did him all the the reuerence his countrey courtesie could affoord. Insomuch that the King wondring at his attire, began to question what he was. MONTANUS ouer-hearing him made this replie.
    I am sir quoth he Loues Swaine, as full of inward discontents as I seeme fraught with outward follies. Mine eyes like Bees delight in sweete flowers, but sucking their full on the faire of beautie, they carrie home to the Hiue of my heart more gall than honnie, and for one droppe of pure deaw, a tunne full of deadly Aconiton. I hunt with the Flie to pursue the Eagle, that flying too nigh the Sunne, I perish with the Sunne: my thoughts are aboue my reach, and my desires more than my fortunes; yet neither greater than my Loues. But daring with PHAETON, I fall with I[C]ARUS, and seeking to passe the meane, I dye for being so mean, my night sleeps are waking slumbers, as full of sorrowes as they be far from rest, & my dayes labors are fruitlesse amors, staring at a star & stombling at a straw, leauing reason to follow after repentance: yet euery passion is a pleasure thogh it pinch, because loue hides his worme-seed in figs, his pysons in sweet potions, & shadows preiudize with the maske of pleasure. The wisest counsellers are my deep discontents, and I hate that which should salue my harm, like the patient which stung with the Tarantula loaths musick, and yet the disease incurable but by melody. Thus (Sir) restlesse I hold my selfe remediles, as louing without either reward or regard, and yet louing, bicause there is none worthy to be loued, but the mistresse of my thoughts. And that I am as full of passions as I haue discourst in my plaintes, Sir if you please see my Sonnets, and by them sensure of my sorrowes.
    These wordes of MONTANUS brought the king into a great wonder, amazed as much at his wit as his attire: insomuch that he tooke the papers off his hooke, and read them to this effect.

Montanus first Sonnet.

Alas how wander I amidst these woods,
Whereas no day bright shine doth finde accesse:
But where the melancholy fleeting floods
(Darke as the night) my night of woes expresse,
Disarmde of reason, spoilde of natures goods,
Without redresse to salue my heauinesse
I walke, whilest thought (too cruell to my harmes)
    With endles grief my heedles iudgement charmes.

My silent tongue assailde by secret feare,
My traitrous eyes imprisoned in their ioy,
My fatall peace deuourd in fained cheare,
My heart inforst to harbor in annoy,
My reason robde of power by yeelding eare,
My fond opinions slaue to euery toy.
    Oh Loue thou guide in my vncertaine way,
    Woe to thy bow, thy fire, the cause of my decay.
Et florida pungunt.

    When the King had read this Sonnet, he highly commended the deuice of the shepheard, that could so wittily wrap his passions in a shadow, and so couertly conceale that which bred his chiefest discontent: affirming, that as the least shrubs haue their tops, the smallest haires their shadowes: so the meanest swaines had their fancies, and in their kinde were as charie of Loue as a King. Whetted on with this deuice, he tooke the second and read it: the effects were these.

Montanus second Sonnet.

When the Dog
Full of rage,
    With his irefull eyes
    Frownes amidst the skies
The Shepheard to asswage
    The fury of the heat,
    Himselfe doth safely seat
By a fount
Full of faire,
    Where a gentle breath
    (Mounting from beneath)
Tempreth the aire.

There his flocks
Drinke their fill,
    And with ease repose
    Whilest sweet sleep doth close
Eyes from toylsome ill.
But I burne
Without rest
    No defensiue power
    Shields from
Phoebes lower:
Sorrow is my best.
Gentle Loue
Lowre no more,
    If thou wilt inuade,
    In the secret shade,
Labour not so sore.
I my selfe
And my flocks
    They their loue to please,
    I my selfe to ease,
Both leaue the shadie oakes:
    Content to burne in fire
    [Sith] Loue doth so desire.
Et florida pungunt.

    GERISMOND seeing the pithy vaine of those Sonets, began to make further enquiry what hee was? Whereupon ROSADER discourst vnto him the loue of MONTANUS to PHOEBE, his great loialtie & her deep crueltie: and how in reuenge the Gods had made the curious Nymph amorous of yoong GANIMEDE. Vpon this discourse, ye king was desirous to see PHOEBE: who being broght before GERISMOND by ROSADER, shadowed the beauty of her face with such a vermilion teinture, that the Kings eyes began to dazle at the puritie of her excellence. After GERISMOND had fed his lookes awhile vpon her faire, he questioned with her, why she rewarded MONTANUS loue with so little regard, seeing his desertes were many, and his passions extreame. PHOEBE to make reply to the Kings demaund, answered thus: Loue (sir) is charitie in his lawes, and whatsoeuer hee sets downe for iustice (bee it neuer so vniust) the sentence cannot be reverst: womens fancies lende fauours not euer by desert, but as they are inforst by their desires: for fancy is tied to the wings of Fate, & what the starres decree, stands for an infallible doome. I know MONTANUS is wise, & womens ears are greatly delighted with wit, as hardly escaping the charme of a pleasant toong, as VLISSES the melody of the SYRENS. MONTANUS is bewtifull, and womens eyes are snared in the excellence of obiects, as desirous to feede their lookes with a faire face, as the Bee to suck on a sweet floure. MONTANUS is welthy, & an ounce of giue me perswades a woman more than a pound of heare me. DANAE was won with a golden shower, when she could not be gotten with all the intreaties of IUPITER: I tell you sir, the string of a womans heart reacheth to the pulse of her hand, and let a man rub that with gold, & tis hard but she wil prooue his hearts gold. MONTANUS is yoong, a great clause in fancies court: MONTANUS is vertuous, the richest argument that Loue yeelds: & yet knowing all these perfections I praise them, and wonder at them, louing the qualities, but not affecting the person, because the Destinies haue set downe a contrary censure. Yet VENUS to ad reuenge, hath giue[n] me wine of ye same grape, a sip of the same sauce, & firing me with the like passio[n], hath crost me with as il a penance: for I am in loue with a shepheards swaine, as coy to mee as I am cruell to MONTANUS, as peremptory in disdain as I was peruerse in desire, & that is (quoth she) ALIENAES page, yong GANIMEDE.
    GERISMOND desirous to prosecute the ende of these passions, called in GANIMEDE: who knowing the case, came in graced with such a blush, as beautified the Christall of his face with a ruddie brightnesse. The King noting well the phisnomy of GANIMEDE, began by his fauours to call to mind the face of his ROSALYND, and with that fetched a deep sigh. ROSADER that was passing familiar with GERISMOND, demanded of him why he sighed so sore? Because ROSADER (quoth hee) the fauour of GANIMEDE puts mee in minde of ROSALYNDE. At this word, ROSADER sight so deepely as though his heart would haue burst. And whats the matter (quoth GERISMOND) that you quite mee with such a sigh? Pardon mee sir (quoth ROSADER) because I loue none but ROSALYND. And vpon that condition (quoth GERISMOND) that ROSALYND were here, I would this day make vp a marriage betwixt her and thee. At this ALIENA turnd her head and smilde vpon GANIMEDE, and shee could scarce keep countenance. Yet she salued all with secrecie, and GERISMOND to driue away such dumpes, questioned with GANIMEDE, what the reason was he regarded not PHŒBES loue, seeing she was as faire as the wanto[n] that brought Troy to ruine. GANIMEDE mildly answered, If I shuld affect the fair PHOEBE, I should offer poore MONTANUS great wrong to winne that from him in a moment, that hee hath labored for so many monethes. Yet haue I promised to the bewtiful shepheardesse, to wed my self neuer to woman except vnto her: but with this promise, yt if I can by reason suppresse PHOEBES loue towards me, she shall like of none but of MONTANUS. To yt q. PHOEBE I stand, for my loue is so far beyond reason, as it wil admit no persuasion of reason. For iustice q. he, I appeale to GERISMOND: and to his censure wil I stand q. PHOEBE. And in your victory q. MONTANUS stands the hazard of my fortunes: for if GANYMEDE go away with conquest, MONTANUS is in conceit loues Monarch, if PHOEBE winne, then am I in effect most miserable. We wil see this controuersie q. GERISMO[N]D, & then we will to church: therefore GANIMEDE let vs heare your argument. Nay, pardon my absence a while (quoth shee) and you shall see one in store. In went GANIMEDE and drest her self in womans attire, hauing on a gowne of greene, with kirtle of rich sandall, so quaint, that she seemed DIANA triumphing in the Forrest: vpon her head she wore a chaplet of Roses, which gaue her such a grace, yt she looked like FLORA pearkt in the pride of all hir floures. Thus attired came ROSALIND in, & presented her self at her fathers feete, with her eyes full of teares, crauing his blessing, & discoursing vnto him all her fortunes, how shee was banished by TORISMOND, and how euer since she liued in that country disguised.
    GERISMOND seeing his daughter, rose from his seat & fel vpon her necke, vttering the passions of his ioy in watry plaints driuen into such an extasie of content, that hee could not vtter one word. At this sight, if ROSADER was both amazed & ioyfull, I refer my selfe to the iudgement of such as haue experience in loue, seeing his ROSALYND before his face whom so long and deeply he had affected. At last GERISMOND recouered his spirites, and in most fatherly tearmes entertained his daughter ROSALYND, after many questions demanding of her what had past betweene her and ROSADER. So much sir (quoth she) as there wants nothing but your Grace to make vp the marriage. Why then (quoth GERISMOND) ROSADER take her, she is thine, and let this day solemnize both thy brothers and thy nuptials[.] ROSADER beyond measure co[n]tent, humbly thanked the king, & imbraced his ROSALYNDE, who turning to PHOEBE, demanded if she had shewen sufficient reason to suppresse the force of her loues. Yea quoth PHŒBE, & so great a perswasiue, that if it please you Madame and ALIENA to giue vs leaue, MONTANUS and I will make this day the thirde couple in marriage. She had no sooner spake this word, but MONTANUS, threw away his garland of willow, his bottle, where was painted dispaire, & cast his sonnets in the fire, shewing himselfe as frolicke as ARIS when he hanseled his loue with HELENA. At this GERISMOND and the rest smiled and concluded that MONTANUS and PHOEBE should keepe their wedding with the two brethren. ALIENA seeing SALADYNE stand in a dumpe, to wake him from his dreame began thus. Why how now my SALADYNE, all amort, what melancholy man at the day of marriage? perchaunce thou art sorrowful to thinke on thy brothers high fortunes, and thyne owne base desires to chuse so meane a shepheardize. Cheare vp thy hart man, for this day thou shalt be married to the daughter of a King: for know SALADYNE, I am not ALIENA but ALINDA the daughter of thy mortal enemie TORISMOND. At this all the company was amazed, especially GERISMOND, who rising vp, tooke ALINDA in his armes, and said to ROSALYND: is this that faire ALINDA famous for so many vertues, that forsoke her fathers court to liue with thee exilde in the country? The same q. ROSALYNDE. Then quoth GERISMOND, turning to SALADINE, iolly Forrester be frolick, for thy fortunes are great, & thy desires excellent, thou hast got a pricesse as famous for her perfection, as exceeding in proportion. And she hath with her beauty won (quoth SALADYNE an humble seruant, as full of faith, as she of amiable fauour. While euery one was amazed with these Comicall euents, CORIDON came skipping in & told them that the Priest was at Church and tarried for their comming. With that GERISMOND led the way, & the rest followed, where to the admiration of all the countrey swains in Arden, their mariages were solenmly solemnized. As soone as the Priest had finished, home they went with ALINDA, where CORIDON had made all things in readines. Dinner was prouided, & the tables being spread, and the Brides set downe by GERISMOND, ROSADER, SALADYNE, & MONTANUS that day were seruitors: homely cheare they had, such as their countrey could affoord: but to mend their fare they had mickle good chat, and many good discourses of their loues and fortunes. About mid dinner, to make them merry CORIDON came in with an old crowd, and plaid them a fit of mirth, to which he sung this pleasant song.

Coridons song.

A blyth and bonny country Lasse,
    heigh ho the bonny Lasse:
Sate sighing on the tender grasse,
    and weeping said, will none come to woo mee?
A smicker boy, a lyther Swaine,
    heigh ho a smicker Swaine:
That in his Loue was wanton faine,
    with smiling looks straight came vnto her.

When as the wanton wench espide,
    heigh ho when she espide
The meanes to make her selfe a bride,
    she simpred smooth like bonny bell:
The Swaine that saw her squint eied kind
    heigh ho squint eyed kind,
His armes about her body twind,
    and faire Lasse, how fare ye, well?

The country kit said well forsooth,
    heigh ho well forsooth,
But that I haue a longing tooth,
    a longing tooth that makes me crie:
Alas said he what garres thy griefe?
    heigh ho what garres thy griefe?
A wound quoth she without reliefe,
    I feare a maid that I shall die.

If that be all the shepheard said
    heigh ho the shepheard said,
Ile make thee wiue it gentle maide,
    [a]nd so recure thy maladie.
Hereon they kist with manie a oath,
    heigh ho with manie a oath,
And Fore God
Pan did plight their troath,
    and to the Church they hied them fast.

And God send euerie pretie peate
    heigh ho the pretie peate
That feares to die of this conceate,
    so kinde a friend to helpe at last.

    CORIDON hauing thus made them merrie: as they were in the midst of all their iollitie, word was brought in to SALADYNE and ROSADER, that a brother of theirs, one FERNANDYNE was arriued, and desired to speake with them. GERISMOND ouer hearing this newes, demaunded who it was? It is sir (quoth ROSADER) our middle brother, that lyues a Scholler in Paris: but what fortune hath driuen him to seek vs out I know not. With that SALADYNE went and met his brother, whom he welcommed with all curtesie, and ROSADER gaue him no lesse friendly entertainment: brought hee was by his two brothers into the parlour where they all sat at dinner. FERNANDYNE as one that knewe as manie manners as he could points of sophistrie, & was aswell brought vp as well lettered, saluted them all. But when hee espied GERISMOND, kneeling on his knee he did him what reuerence belonged to his estate: and with that burst foorth into these speaches. Although (right mightie Prince) this day of my brothers mariage be a day of mirth, yet time craues another course: and therefore from daintie cates rise to sharpe weapons. And you the sonnes of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux, leaue off your amors & fall to armes, change your loues into lances, and now this day shewe your selues as valiant, as hethertoo you haue been passionate. For know GERISMOND, that hard by the edge of this forrest the twelue Peeres of France are vp in armes to recouer thy right; and TORISMOND troupt with a crue of desperate runnagates is ready to bid them battaile. The Armies are readie to ioyne: therfore shew thy selfe in the field to encourage thy subiects; and you SALADYNE and ROSADER mount you, and shewe your selues as hardie souldiers as you haue been heartie louers: so shall you for the benefite of your Countrey, discouer the IDEA of your fathers vertues to bee stamped in your thoughts, and proue children worthie of so honourable a parent. At this alarum giuen by FERNANDYNE, GERISMOND leapt from the boord, and SALADYNE and ROSADER betook themselues to their weapons. Nay quoth GERISMOND, goe with me I haue horse and armour for vs all, and then being well mounted, let vs shew that we carrie reuenge and honour at our fawchions points. Thus they leaue the Brides full of sorrow, especially ALINDA, who desired GERISMOND to be good to her father: he not returning a word because his hast was great, hied him home to his Lodge, where he deliuered SALADYNE and ROSADER horse and armour, and himselfe armed royally led the way: not hauing ridden two leagues before they discouered where in a Valley both the battailes were ioyned. GERISMOND seeing the wing wherein the Peeres fought, thrust in there, and cried SAINT DENIS, GERISMOND laying on such loade vppon his enemies, that hee shewed how highly he did estimate of a Crowne. When the Peeres perceiued that their lawfull King was there, they grewe more eager: and SALADYNE and ROSADER so behaued themselues, that none durst st[a]nd in their way, nor abide the furie of their weapons. To be short, the peeres were conquerours, TORISMONDS armie put to flight, & himselfe slaine in battaile. The Peeres then gathered themselues together, and saluting their king, conducted him royallie into Paris, where he was receiued with great ioy of all the citizens. Assoone as all was quiet and he had receiued againe the Crowne, hee sent for ALINDA and ROSALYNDE to the Court, ALINDA being verie passionate for the death of her father: yet brooking it with the more patience, in that she was contented with the welfare of her SALADYNE. Well, assoone as they were come to Paris, GERISMOND made a royall Feast for the Peeres and Lords of his Lande, which continued thirtie dayes, in which time summoning a Parliament, by the consent of his Nobles he created ROSADER heire apparent to the kingdom[,] he restored SALADYNE to all his fathers lande, and gaue him the Dukedome of Nameurs, he made FERNANDYNE principall Secretarie to himselfe: and that Fortune might euerie way seeme frolicke, he made MONTANUS Lord ouer all the Forrest of Arden: ADAM SPENCER Captaine of the Kings Gard, and CORIDON Master of ALINDAS Flocks.

Ere Gentlemen may you see in EUPHUES GOLDEN LEGACIE, that such as neglect their fathers precepts, incurre much preiudice; that diuision in Nature as it is a blemish in nurture, so tis a breach of good fortunes; that vertue is not measured by birth but by action; that yonger brethren though inferiour in yeares, yet may be superiour to honours; that concord is the sweetest conclusion, and amitie betwixt brothers more forceable than fortune. If you gather any frutes by this Legacie, speake well of EUPHUES for writing it, and me for fetching it. If you grace me with that fauour, you encourage me to be more forward, and assoone as I haue ouerlookt my labours, expect the SAILERS KALENDER.
                    T. Lodge.

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