LOVE in her Sunny Eyes does basking play
; |
Love walks the pleasant Mazes of her Hair ; |
Love does on both her Lips for ever stray ; |
And sows and reaps a thousand kisses there. |
In all her outward parts Love 's always seen ; |
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But, oh, He never went within.
Within Love's foes, his greatest foes abide, |
Malice, Inconstancy, and Pride. |
So the Earths face, Trees, Herbs, and Flowers do dress, |
With other beauties numberless : |
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But at the Center, Darkness is, and Hell ; |
There wicked Spirits, and there the Damned dwell.
With me alas, quite contrary it fares ; |
Darkness and Death lies in my weeping eyes, |
Despair and Paleness in my face appears, |
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And Grief, and Fear, Love's greatest Enemies ; |
But, like the Persian-Tyrant, Love within |
Keeps his proud Court, and ne'er is seen.
Oh take my Heart, and by that means you'll prove |
Within too stor'd enough of Love : |
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Give me but Yours, I'll by that change so thrive, |
That Love in all my parts shall live. |
So powerful is this change, it render can, |
My outside Woman, and your inside Man. |