by James Shirley
This garden does not take my eyes,
Though here you show how art of men
Can purchase Nature at a price
Would stock old Paradise again.
These glories while you dote upon,
I envy not your spring nor pride,
Nay boast the summer all your own,
My thoughts with less are satisified.
Give me a little plot of ground,
Where might I with the sun agree,
Though every day he walk the round,
My garden he should seldom see.
Those tulips that such wealth display,
To court my eye, shall lose their name,
Though now they listen, as if they
Expected I should praise their flame.
But I would see myself appear
Within the violet's drooping head,
On which a melancholy tear
The discontented morn hath shed.
Within their buds let roses sleep,
And virgin lilies on their stem,
Till sighs from lovers glide and weep
Into their leaves to open them.
I' th' center of my ground compose
Of bays and yew my summer room,
Which may so oft as I repose,
Present my arbour, and my tomb.
[Last three stanzas omitted]
Massingham, H. J., Ed. A Treasury of Seventeeth Century English Verse.
London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1931. 203-204.
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on June 14, 2000.
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