 | Earl of Rochester |

F. Rehberg. Cupid and Bacchus Pressing Grapes. Kunsthandel Peter Mühlbauer.
Vulcan, contrive me such a cup,
As Nestor us'd of old;
Show all thy skill to trim it up,
Damask it round with gold.
Make it so large, that, fill'd with sack,
Up to the swelling brim,
Vast toasts on the delicious lake,
Like ships at sea, may swim.
Engrave no battle on his cheek,
With war I've nought to do,
I'm none of those that took Maestrick,
Nor Yarmouth Leaguer knew.
Let it no name of planets tell,
Fix'd stars, or constellations;
For I am no Sir Sidrophel,
Nor none of his relations.
But carve thereon a spreading vine,
Then add two lovely boys;
Their limbs in amorous folds entwine,
The type of future joys.
Cupid and Bacchus my saints are,
May Drink and Love still reign!
With wine I wash away my cares,
And then to love again.
Seventeenth Century Lyrics. George Saintsbury, ed.
London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. 288-289.
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Page created by Anniina Jokinen on June 29, 2006. Last updated September 19, 2012.