I594-I595 | Born, possibly at West Wickham, Kent. His father, Matthew Carew, a lawyer of some distinction, had been a Master in Chancery since I576, and was knighted by
James I in I603. The family took up residence in London about I598, but nothing is known of Thomas Carew's early education. |
I608 | Matriculates at
Merton College, Oxford; graduates B. A. in January, I6I0/I6II. |
I6I2 | Incorporated B. A. of Cambridge. Admitted to the Middle Temple, presumably intending to enter the legal profession. |
I6I3 | Probably in consequence of his father's financial difficulties, accepts the offer of Sir Dudley Carleton, English Ambassador in Venice, to join Carleton's entourage as a secretary. |
I6I5 | On completion of the embassy's official business, returns to England with Carleton, in December. |
I6I6 | Accompanies Carleton's embassy to the Netherlands. By consequence of some written indiscretions bearing on Carleton's character, returns to England in August, having been discreetly but effectively dismissed from his post. |
I6I6-8 | Unsuccessfully seeking employment from various noble-men; recurrently in attendance at court. Father dies, August, I6I8. |
I6I9 | Makes one of an embassy to Paris headed by Sir Edward Herbert (later Lord Herbert of Cherbury). Perhaps meets the Italian poet Giambattista Marino, resident in Paris from I6I5 to I623. |
I622 | First published poem: commendatory verses prefixed to The Heir, a comedy by Thomas May. "A Rapture" probably composed between I622 and I624. Associating in the early I620's with Jonson and his circle; frequenting the court and cultivating influential persons there. |
I630 | Appointed a Gentlemen of the Privy chamber Extraordinary named Sewer in Ordinary to the King (i.e., a household official in charge of the royal dining arrangements). |
I634 | Carew's masque, Coelum Britannicum, performed at court; published later in the year. |
I639 | Accompanies
Charles I's
military expedition against Scotland, brought to a bloodless conclusion at Berwick with the Articles of Pacification, June I8. |
I640 | Death. Buried in Saint Dunstan's-in-the-West, Westminster, March 23. Publication of Poems. |
I642 | Publication of Poems, "the second edition revised and enlarged." | | |
 | to Thomas Carew
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on March 23, 1997. Last updated on June 8, 2000.