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Seventeenth Century

Eighteenth Century



Essays and Articles for Aphra Behn

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Legend:   =Dissertation    =Thesis    = Undergrad Thesis =Student Essay

Dissertation "For Love of Grace": Evolving Evocations of Grace in the Literature of Renaissance England - C. A. Norwood
Dissertation Hallowed Ground: Literature and the Encounter with God in Post-Reformation England - M. T. Martin
Dissertation John Donne and the Countess of Bedford - Marcia M. Brown
Dissertation Raw Metaphors: Cannibal Poetics in Early Modern England - Amanda M. Lehr
Dissertation Members of His Body: Christ's Passion and Community in Early Modern English Poetry, 1595-1646 - J. R. Teller
Dissertation Iatrochemical Healing in Shakespeare and Donne: The Diseased and
         Cured Body in the English Literary Imagination, 1590-1638 - Christopher R. Larkin
Dissertation Donne's Songs and Sonnets: A Reinterpretation in Light of Their Traditional Backgrounds - L. A. Fiedler
Dissertation The Sacramental Art of John Donne's Sermons on the Penitential Psalms - Philip M. George
Dissertation Ovid and Donne: A Comparative Study of Love Poetry Written by Two Kindred Minds - Alta A. C. Schoner
Dissertation Holy Ambition: The Rhetoric of Courtship in the Sermons of John Donne - Brent Nelson
Dissertation The Poetry of Immanence: Sacrament in Donne and Herbert - Robert H. Whalen
Dissertation Somiotics: Rhetoric, Medicine and Hermeneutics in John Donne - Stephen Pender
Dissertation Narcissus in the other: John Donne, woman and the dynamics of recognition - Steven M. Larocco
Dissertation Negotiating the threshold: Self-other dynamics in Milton, Herbert, and Donne - Susannah B. Mintz
Dissertation "Me thoughts I heard one calling": Talking to God in the Poetry of John Donne,
         George Herbert, Christina Rossetti, and Gerard Manley Hopkins - Sarah F. Winters
Dissertation Prophetic Vision and Poetic Faith: A Reading of Donne's "Anniversaries" - Paul A. Parrish
Dissertation Poetry, Prayer, and Pedagogy: Writings by and for the English Catholic Community, 1547-1650 - P. M. Garcia
Dissertation "Petty magic to experiment": The Seventeenth Century's Scientific Revolution
         and the Closing of This World to the Next - Mary E. Zimmer
Thesis The Reputation of John Donne in the Twentieth Century - Marie L. Burke
Thesis Imagery in the Secular Poetry of John Donne - Virginia M. Murphy
Thesis Imagery in the Sermons and Devotions of John Donne - Eleanor E. Williams
Thesis Images of Kingship in Selected Sermons of John Donne - Wendy E. Johnson
Thesis Animal Imagery in the Poetry and Prose of John Donne - Miriam S. Long
Thesis Time, Death, and Mutability: A Study of Themes in Some Poetry of the Renaissance
         — Spenser, Shakespeare, and Donne - Jean M. Gerber
Thesis Versions of the Apocalypse in Four Seventeenth Century Authors - Charles Earnest Watson
Thesis A New Reading of John Donne's "Song. Goe, and catche a falling starre" - David T. Newton
Thesis John Donne's Songs and Sonets: The Intractable "I" - Wladyslaw Konieczny
"For reason, put to her best extension,/Amost meets faith":
             The Flawed Dialectical Structure in Donne's Sonnets - Margaret Oakes
The Canonization of John Donne - David Kelly
A Pattern for Love — The Structure of Donne's "The Canonization" - A. P. Riemer
John Donne and the Translation of Aristotle's Politics into English - James R. Stoner, Jr.
Religious Criticism, the Verse Epistle, and Donne's Daring Discretion - Gregory Kneidel
John Donne's Bawdy Body Devotion - James Wardwell
The Rape of Mother Earth in 17th Century English Poetry: An Ecofeminist Interpretation - Bill Phillips
'Be My Trew Mistres Still, Not My Faignd Page': Truth and Disguise in Donne's 'Elegy 16' - Daniel Nisa Cáceres
John Donne: "Holy Sonnet XIV" or the Plenitude of Metaphor - Purificación Ribes
John Donne: The New Turn of Classical Tradition - Laura Lojo Rodríguez
John Donne and the New Universe: Retaking the Issue - Julián Jiménez Heffernan
'The Rest is Silence': Absent Voices in John Donne's Songs and Sonnets - Antonio Ballesteros González
Nothing's Paradox in Donne's "Negative Love"and "A Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day" - Sean Ford [.pdf - p.97]
'All flat maps, and I am one': Cartographic References in the Poems of John Donne - Ladan Niayesh
The Prosodic Significance of Donne's "Accidentals" - Joost Daalder
Les représentations scientifiques dans la poésie de John Donne: Satire et Imaginaire - Zohra Rahmouni
John Donne - T. S. Eliot
Criticism by Terry G. Sherwood
Criticism by A. Alvarez
John Donne's Strategies for Discreet Preaching - Marla Hoffman Lunderberg
Alchemical Augmentation and Primordial Fire in Donne's "The Dissolution" - Roberta Albrecht
Spenser, Donne, and the Theology of Joy - Adam Potkay
The Erotology of Donne's "Extasie" and the Secret History of Voluptuous Rationalism - Catherine Gimelli Martin
John Donne and Music: Paths to an Opera - Chris Jarrett
Poetry as Language Presentation: John Donne, Poet, Preacher, Craftsman - Anca Rosu
Elizabethan Precursors of Donne's Divine Meditations - William L. Stull
John Donne: Bulimic Bore? - Veronica Chater
The Metaphysical Sonnets of John Donne and Mikolaj Sep Szarzynski: A Comparison - Magdalena Kay emls
In the Person of Womankind: Female Persona Poems by Campion, Donne, Jonson - Pamela Coren
Writings of English Cathedral Clergy, 1600-1700: I. Devotional Literature and Sermons - Stanford Lehmberg
Jonson and Carew on Donne: Censure into Praise - John Lyon
Heaven's Net: The Meeting of John Donne and Johannes Kepler - Jeremy Bernstein
Completing the Conversation: Donne and Lady Mary Wroth - Maureen Quilligan
Donne's "Elegy 19": The Busk Between a Pair of Bodies - Sandy Feinstein
The Meaning of "rage" in "The Canonization" - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
"Lines which circles do contain": Circles, the Cross, and Donne's Dialectic Scheme of Salvation - Alan Fischler
John Donne and the Baroque Doubt - Kathleen Raine
John Donne and Elizabethan Economic Theory - Coburn Freer
Can't Buy Me Love: Money, Gender, and Colonialism in Donne's Erotic Verse - Shankar Raman
Love, Poetry, and John Donne in the Love Poetry of John Donne - R. V. Young
The Religious Poetry of John Donne - Helen Gardner
Talking to a Silent God: Donne's Holy Sonnets and the Via Negativa - Lawrence Beaston
John Donne and Scholarly Melancholy - Trevor Douglas
Severed Hair from Donne to Pope - Erik Gray
The "press and the fire": Print and Manuscript Culture in Donne's Circle - Richard B. Wollman
Donne, The Rainbow, and The Lady of the Camellias - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Donne's Body - Nancy Selleck
'Hebdomada Mortium': The Structure of Donne's Last Sermon - Jonquil Bevan
Preaching Pastor Versus Custodian of Order: Donne, Andrewes, and the Jacobean Church - Daniel W. Doerksen
John Donne the Divine and Mundane - Yoshiko Fujito
"miserrimum dictu": Donne's Epitaph for his Wife - M. Thomas Hester
Donne and the Court of Wards - M. Thomas Hester
The Titles/Headings of Donne's English Epigrams - M. Thomas Hester
Moses, Dante, and the Visio Dei of Donne's "Going to Bed" - Raymond-Jean Frontain
Donne's Imperfect Resurrection - Raymond-Jean Frontain
The Plot of Donne's Anniversaries - James Andrew Clark
The Act of Preaching and the Art of Prophesying - Bryan Crockett
Donne's Atomies and Anatomies: Deconstructed Bodies and
             the Resurrection of Atomic Theory - David A. Hedrich Hirsch
Love "Elemented" in John Donne's "Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" - Edgar S. Laird
Gold in the Washes: Donne's Last Going Into Germany - Jeffrey Johnson
An Occasion for John Donne's 'The Lamentations of Jeremy' - William B. Hunter
Theology and Spirituality: Notes on the Mystical Christology of John Donne - Mark A. Mcintosh
Plato in John Donne's 'The Good Morrow' - Christopher S. Nassaar
Memory, Reason, and the Quest for Certainty in the Sermons of John Donne - Elizabeth Tebeaux
The 'Well Wrought Urne' as Competitive Trope - Ceri Sullivan
"Forget the Hee and Shee": Gender and Play in John Donne - Susannah B. Mintz
"In whom love wrought new Alchimie": The Inversion of Christian Spiritual
                Resurrection in "A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day" - Mary E. Zimmer
Radical Donne: "Satire III" - Richard Strier
A History of Donne's "Canonization" from Izaak Walton to Cleanth Brooks - Dayton Haskin
Depicting Lesbian Desire: Contexts for John Donne's 'Sapho to Philaenis' - C. Annette Grise
'Batter My [Flaming] Heart': Male Masochism in the Religious Lyrics of Donne and Crashaw - Lisa S. Starks
John Donne, Richard Crashaw, and the Mystery of God's Grace - R. V. Young
Under the Sign of Donne - Judith Scherer Herz
Love's Refinement: Metaphysical Expressions of Desire in Philip Sidney and John Donne - Daniel Philip Knauss
Colon and Semi-Colon in Donne's Prose Letters: Practice and Principle - Emma L. Roth-SchwartzEMLS
Donne, Herbert, and the Worm of Controversy - Louis L. MartzEMLS
W[illiam] S[hakespeare]'s A Funeral Elegy and the Donnean Moment - Claude J. SummersEMLS
John Donne's "Lamentations" and Christopher Fetherstone's Lamentations.... - Ted-Larry PebworthEMLS
"The strangest pageant, fashion'd like a court": John Donne and Ben Jonson to 1600 - William F. BlissettEMLS
"I launch at paradise, and saile toward home" : The Progresse of the Soule as Palinode - W. H. Herendeen
"I haue often such a sickly inclination": Biography and the Critical Interpretation
                of Donne's Suicide Tract, Biathanatos - R. G. SiemensEMLS
"Witness this Booke, (thy Emblem)": Donne's Holy Sonnets and Biography - Diana Treviño BenetEMLS
Trumpet Vibrations: Theological Reflections on Donne's Doomsday Sonnet - G. Richmond BridgeEMLS
Britten and Donne: Holy Sonnets Set to Music - Bryan N. S. GoochEMLS
Dr. Donne & Sir Edmund Gosse - Jeremy Bernstein
Rhetoric in English Baroque Literature - Rolf Lessenich
Oral Sex: A Theme in Donne and Some Cavalier Poets - Prof. David Renaker
A Quick and Rough Explication of Donne's Holy Sonnet 10: Death Be Not Proud - Anniina Jokinen
John Donne and the "Anthropomorphic Map" Tradition - Noam Flinker
Two Examples of Poetic Parallelism between John Donne and Lope de Vega - Jesús Cora
The Circle of Souls in John Donne's "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning" - Cynthia A. Cavanaugh
Teaching in the School of Donne: Metaphysical Poetry and English Composition - Steven Marx
'Let them sleepe': Donne's personal allusion in 'Holy Sonnet IV.' - M. Thomas Hester
Cunning elements: water, fire, and sacramental poetics in 'I am a little world.' - Theresa M. Di Pasquale
Carew's response to Jonson and Donne - Scott Nixon
John Donne's Use of Space - Lisa GortonEMLS
Evidence of Dialectical Disputatio in Early Modern Manuscript Culture - Margaret Downs-GambleEMLS
Empson on Donne
Explication of Holy Sonnet 14 - Craig Payne
Explication of Holy Sonnet 18 - Paul R. Rovang
Explication of Devotion 14 - Meenakshi Venkatasubramanian
Explication of Elegy 8, "The Comparison" - Gregory Machacek
Explication of "The Sunne Rising" - M. E. Rickey
Explication of "The Indifferent" - Gregory Machacek
Explication of "The Ecstasy" - Stephen Farmer
Explication of "Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day" - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Explication of "To his Mistress Going to Bed" ll.33-35 - Robert H. Ray
The exemplification of love through the use of geometric conceits
                        in the poetic works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Donne’s Sermons: His (Un)Reason from the Renaissance Episteme - Clarissa Lee Ai Ling
Galvanized, Erotic Love Refined: An Explication of John Donne's "The Ecstasy" - Ken Thompson
Political and Social Criticism in "The Calme" by John Donne - John De Stefano
Views of Death in Donne’s Poetry - Antonio S. Oliver
The Petrarchan Tradition and the Female Object in Donne's Songs and Sonets - Sylvie Crane
Societal Discourse in the Poetry of John Donne - Jon Etter
The Cultural Politics of John Donne: A Bibliographic Essay - Patricia Webb
On Donne's "Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day" - Susan Siferd
John Donne and the Tradition of English Literature - Bill Morgan
Donne and Metaphor in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning - William Ames
Love and Gender in the Poetry of John Donne - John Larson
Religion and Politics in Satyre III - Bryan Herek
The Female Body in John Donne's Poetry - Ashley Halsey
Companion Poems: Donne's "To His Mistris Going to Bed" & Hope's "The Elegy" - Kaye Anfield
Conceits in "The Flea" - Kaye Anfield
The Love Poetry of John Donne - Ian Mackean

to John Donne

Site copyright ©1996-2021 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Site created by Anniina Jokinen on May 21, 1996. Last updated July 9, 2021.


The Stuarts

King James I of England
Anne of Denmark
Henry, Prince of Wales
King Charles I
Queen Henrietta Maria
The Gunpowder Plot, 1605

17th-century Literature:

King James VI & I
Sir Francis Bacon
Lancelot Andrewes
Sir Thomas Overbury
William Alabaster
John Donne
Joseph Hall
Ben Jonson
Thomas Dekker
John Marston
Francis Beaumont
John Fletcher
Thomas Middleton
John Webster
William Rowley
Philip Massinger
Thomas Heywood
Edward Herbert
Lady Mary Wroth
George Herbert
Thomas Carew
Francis Quarles
Robert Herrick
Thomas Hobbes
John Ford
James Shirley
Mildmay Fane
Sir John Suckling
Richard Crashaw
Richard Lovelace
Abraham Cowley
John Milton
Sir Thomas Browne
Edmund Waller
Andrew Marvell
Henry Vaughan
Margaret Cavendish
Dorothy Osborne
Katherine Philips
Sir Isaac Newton
Essays and Articles
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Metaphysical Poets
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Cavalier Poets
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English Renaissance Drama
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English Religious Writers
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Historical Personages
George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham
Arabella Stuart, Lady Lennox
William Alabaster
Bishop Hall
Bishop Thomas Morton
Archbishop William Laud
John Selden
Lucy Harington, Countess of Bedford
Henry Lawes

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