
a burde 1b
in boure bryht,1c
That fully semly is on syht,2
Menskful 3
maiden of myht;
Feir 4
ant fre to fonde; 5
In al this wurhliche 6
won 7
A burde of blod ant of bon
Never yete y nuste 8
Lussomore in londe 9 .
Blow northerne wynd!
Send thou me my suetyng! 10
Blow northerne wynd! blow, blow, blow!
With lokkes lefliche 11
ant longe,
With frount ant face feir to fonge, 12
With murthes 13
monie mote heo monge, 14
That brid 15
so breme 16
in boure.
With lossom16b eye grete ant gode,
With browen blysfol under hode,
He that reste him on the rode, 17
That leflych lyf honoure.
Blow northerne wynd, etc.
Hire lure 18
lumes 19 liht,
Ase a launterne a-nyht,
Hire bleo 20
blykyeth so bryht,
So feyr heo is ant fyn.
A suetly swyre 21
heo 22 hath
to holde,
With armes, shuldre ase mon wolde,
Ant fingres feyre for to folde,
God wolde hue were myn!
Blow northerne wynd, etc.
Heo is coral of godnesse,
Heo is rubie of ryhtfulnesse,
Heo is cristal of clannesse, 23
Ant baner of bealté.
Heo is lilie of largesse,
Heo is parvenke 24
of prouesse,
Heo is solsecle 25
of suetnesse,
Ant lady of lealté.25b
For hire love y carke26 ant care,
For hire love y droupne ant dare, 26b
For hire love my blisse is bare
Ant al ich waxe won. 27
For hire love in slep y slake,28
For hire love al nyht ich wake,
For hire love mournynge y make
More then eny mon.
Blow northerne wynd!
Send thou me my suetyng!
Blow northerne wynd! blou, blou, blou!
1 Ichot: "Ich wot", I know (of).
1b burde: maiden.
1c boure bryht: bright bower.
2 fully semly... syht: very pleasing to sight.
3 menskful: worshipful.
4 feir: fair.
5 fonde: deal with.
6 wurhliche: worthy.
7 won: multitude.
8 y nuste: I knew not.
9 lussomore in londe:
lovelier on earth.
10 suetyng: sweetling, sweetheart.
11 lefliche: lovely.
12 fonge: finger, take between
13 murthes: mirths, joys.
14 mote heo monge: may
she mingle.
15 brid: bird.
16 breme: glorious.
16b lossom: lovesome, lovely.
17 rode: the rood, the cross.
18 lure: face.
19 lumes: beams.
20 bleo: colour.
21 suetly swyre: darling
22 hue, heo: she.
23 clannesse: cleanness,
24 parvenke: periwinkle.
25 solsecle: sunflower.
25b lealté: loyalty.
26 carke: care, worry.
26b dare: am in dismay.
27 won: wan.
28 slake: lessen.
 Mamuscript image of BL MS Harley 2253.
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