by Ben Jonson

TO thee my way in epigrams seems new,
    When both it is the old way and the true.
Thou sayst that cannot be, for thou hast seen
    Davies and Weever, and the best have been,
And mine come nothing like. I hope so; yet
    As theirs did with thee, mine might credit get,
If thou'dst but use thy faith, as thou didst then
    When thou wert wont t' admire, not censure men.
Prithee believe still, and not judge so fast,
    Thy faith is all the knowledge that thou hast.

Jonson, Ben. "To my mere English censurer."
Poetry of the English Renaissance 1509-1660.
J. William Hebel and Hoyt H. Hudson, eds.
New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1941. 495.

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Created by Anniina Jokinen on May 7, 1999. Last updated on September 4, 1999.